Research your gold
Understand the current value of gold before you sell. Research is often the cause of being taken advantage of. The best way to verify the current value is using online resources which update the value of gold daily, such as This prepares you to sell your gold without being taken advantage of by dealers. Often, people are looking to sell their gold for quick cash and make the mistake of not knowing all the information to maximize their profits. Dealers take advantage of these scenarios and may offer you a lower value than the actual worth of your gold. Be in the know and use online resources of even our calculator to find the value of your gold.
Need a place to start?
Below are our top picks for selling gold. Don’t just take our word, do your own research and as always reach out if you have any questions!
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Frequently Asked Questions
How can I check if I have fake gold?
Check out acid kits and other gold testers
Should I separate the Karats on my gold, silver, and platinum?
What is pennyweight?
Can I use my own packaging to send in my gold jewelry to them?
We recommend you use the free FedEx boxes available at any FedEx location, since you’ll be going there to drop off your package anyway, but you’re welcome to use whatever packaging you like.
Some jewelry has diamonds and semi-precious stones in the settings. Should I remove them or will they send them back to me?
They will pay you the wholesale value of your diamonds on top of the value of your gold, so please leave jewelry with diamonds intact and send it to them as is (with any certifications or appraisals, if you have them). While they do not pay for loose gemstones,they may add the gemstones’ value to the gold weight, which will increase your total payout. Therefore, we don’t recommend that you try to remove the stones before sending in your items. Remember, you’ll have the opportunity to deny their offer and have your items returned to you intact and at no cost, no questions asked.
What is a Spot Price?
The spot price is the current market price for immediate delivery of a commodity. In the gold business, it refers to the price at which gold is trading for the day.
What do they buy?
Generally they accept all gold items with few exceptions. If you have any questions about your particular item, please feel free contact them them and read their FAQs for details.
How do I know they are safe to sell or buy from?
Thats why we have reviewed, ranked, and listed only the trusted and safe sites for you when you need to sell or buy your gold items. And we provide you with all the information needed on